IT as a service

IT as a service (ITaaS) is an operational model where the IT organization of an enterprise run much like business, acting as a distinct business entity creating products and services for other Line of Business (LOB) organizations within the enterprise. At its core, ITaaS is a competitive business model where an enterprise IT organizations has to compete in order to be the provider to the needs of the LOBs. Other options other than the internal IT organization may include outsourcing companies and public cloud providers.

Under an ITaaS model, the internal IT organization of an enterprise will have a business-centric focus. It will place great emphasis on the needs and the outcomes required by the LOBs. The benefits to the enterprise sought by using the ITaaS model are standardization and simplification of products delivered, improved financial transparency and more direct association of costs to consumption, and increased IT operational efficiency. The transformation of an internal IT organization from operating as a cost-center to an ITaaS model is also believed to produce improved levels of business agility for the enterprise as a whole.


Your data centres are under mounting pressure to provide fast, scalable, secure and more efficient business services. They must accommodate escalating computing, data volume, security and storage requirements and the need to maintain service levels.

Virtualization, data centre consolidation, automation and cloud computing may be high on your agenda. All provide opportunities to ease the cost burden of running physical infrastructure.

Our data centre solutions will enable you to:

  • Optimize your data centre design
  • Explore opportunities to save costs and boost efficiency through consolidation
  • Explore how desktop and application virtualization can work for your organisation
  • Trim capex and opex expenditure through a cloud model
  • Ensure that your data centre management practices are aligned with compliance requirements
  • Scale quickly when the business requires the data centres to enable growth
  • Extend the useful life of your data centres
  • Reduce your energy consumption

Truly optimising your data centre environment calls for a focus on multiple technology areas. Learn more about how we can support you every step of the way:

  • Data centre outsourcing: Leave to us to manage the end-to-end operation of your data centre environment.
  • Maintenance and support services: We keep your data centre running at peak performance around the clock.
  • Data centre networking: Cloud computing will be out of reach unless your data centre network is geared to support virtualization. Does your data center network provide sufficient capacity, availability and security?
  • Facilities and relocation: We help you minimize risk while optimizing data centre resources and locations. We provide guidance regarding power and cooling and assist you to explore opportunities to make use of cloud services and better meet your sustainability objectives.
  • Storage and data management: We help you optimize storage, archiving, retrieval, backup and recovery of data to ensure business continuity / disaster recovery, compliance and the rapid delivery of information to the business.
  • Systems management: Consolidating disparate management tool-sets in your IT environment can pave the way to impressive cost savings.
  • Identity management: How do you control who has access to which data? Our services enable you to automate and optimize your processes.
  • Energy efficiency: We help you understand how decisions relating to energy use in the data centre affect your entire business.
  • Data centre solutions for multinational business: Let us put you on the path to achieving an efficient and agile data centre environment regardless of where in the world you operate.
  • Cloud Backup: An optional add-on service to Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS), enabling CaaS clients to backup their CaaS workloads (virtual machines and data) easily and seamlessly, ensuring business continuity

Your enterprise network is more than the LANs, WANs, routers and switches it consists of. Its even more than a productivity tool. It also creates agility and competitiveness for your business. Yes, network integration is a means to an end a way to get information flowing smoothly and quickly between your employees, customers and partners. But it can also make you money.

To do what it does best, your business depends on your network infrastructure. We thinks about the potential of your network every day. We see IP networks and networking as the platform of most if not all your business functions and communications, and a powerful point of differentiation.

We ensure that your network is:

  • Flexible and robust to respond to the changing dynamics of your business
  • Tailored to meet your communication needs
  • Managed end to end through best practices such as
  • Technology Lifecycle Management (TLM)
  • Adaptable thanks to new computing models like Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
  • Compliant with regulations and corporate governance guidelines
  • Aligned with the highest industry standards.

We willl assist you in looking at:

  • Data center outsourcing: Leave us to manage the end-to-end operation of your data centre environment.
  • Routing and switching strengthening your network by integrating and configuring its core components for maximum availability, flexibility, performance and security
  • Wireless and mobility creating secure wireless communications platforms that integrate seamlessly with your core network infrastructure to enable and support mobility, regardless of your users locations or devices
  • Data center networking architect designing, integrating managing data center networks consisting of server and storage networking, network and application services for the enablement of new computing models such as cloud and virtualization
  • Performance optimisation improving the end-to-end performance of your applications and services across your communication networks to deliver quality of experience to all network users
  • Support, maintenance and outsourcing selecting flexible options that ensure your network infrastructure is managed in a way that best fits your business and budget.

Contact us to find out how we will help transform your network into a competitive advantage.

Virtualization, in computing, refers to the act of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, including but not limited to a virtual computer hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or computer network resources.

Hardware virtualization or platform virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real computer with an operating system. Software executed on these virtual machines is separated from the underlying hardware resources. For example, a computer that is running Microsoft Windows may host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with the Ubuntu Linux operating system; Ubuntu-based software can be run on the virtual machine.

In hardware virtualization, the host machine is the actual machine on which the virtualization takes place, and the guest machine is the virtual machine. The words host and guest are used to distinguish the software that runs on the physical machine from the software that runs on the virtual machine. The software or firmware that creates a virtual machine on the host hardware is called a hypervisor or Virtual Machine Manager.

Different types of hardware virtualization include:

  1. Full virtualization: Almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software, which typically consists of a guest operating system, to run unmodified.
  2. Partial virtualization: Some but not all of the target environment is simulated. Some guest programs, therefore, may need modifications to run in this virtual environment.
  3. Paravirtualization: A hardware environment is not simulated; however, the guest programs are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system. Guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment.

Virtualization is firmly entrenched in the strategies of IT leaders. Like many organisations, it likely that cost savings and the containment of capex spend were the initial driving forces behind the uptake of virtualization in your business.

But other drivers are now emerging: virtualization improves business continuity and resilience, and can assist you in disaster recovery preparations. How can virtualization position your business for cloud computing? How can you harness the power of virtualization to reduce operational costs and improve automation?

Virtualization is also moving beyond the server and storage domains. Desktop virtualization is on the fast track to mainstream adoption.

If you’re looking for more efficient, cost-effective ways to reduce your data centre footprint and cost through, we can assist :

  • We are conversant in all leading virtualization technologies, without being tied to any particular vendor, which means we can recommend the right blend of solutions for your business.
  • Our deep domain expertise in networking, security, data centers and Microsoft technologies enables us to consider all the touch points that virtualization has within your environment, both at the desktop and server levels.
  • Our expertise in data centers facilities, including power and cooling optimization, allows you to maximize the impact of your server and storage virtualization projects.
  • We are ensure that all data protection, backup and recovery considerations within your virtual environment are thoroughly addressed.
  • We are assist you to optimize your management processes to maximize the improvements that virtualization offers, through a thorough assessment of your IT service management capabilities.
  • We are tailor our solutions to your requirements applying the skills and best practices we have gathered through deploying, implementing and supporting virtual server, storage and desktop environments for clients around the world.


Managed Security Providers
Security Operation Center (SOC) is the new way to allow you to protect data from attacks or cybercrime. So thats why iLogo release the Security Operation Center (SOC) a Service.


Pengujian Penetrasi Aplikasi Tradisional dan Pemindaian Kerentanan Web

  • Visibility yang tidak lengkap terhadap asset digital anda
  • Pemindaian yang kurang lengkap atau dilakukan manual dengan tenaga kerja yang mahal
  • Tidak lengkap atau pengujian yang berulang
  • False positive dan seringnya gangguan
  • Perbaikan yang berkepanjangan

Pengujian Pentest :

  • Visibilitas Holistik Aset, Risiko, dan Ancaman
  • Dengan bantuan AI manusia dapat meningkatkan dan mengintensifkan pengujian
  • Pengujian Berbasis Risiko dan Berbasis Kepatuhan
  • Uang kembali untuk satu single positive
  • Integrasi DevSecOps & CI/CD



Readiness in IT industries are related with the infrastructure you have. Many customers and partners don’t have a good infrastructure to survive the challenges in IT industries. We develop business-IT alignments, organizations and applications.

We are able to support any kind of customer with a solution that will fit what they need for the best.

Contact Us for details.

A Good service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won’t be profitable for long.

A Good service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy – happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers.

The essence of good service is forming a relationship with customers a relationship that that individual customer feels that he would like to pursue.

Indeed to achieve the good service aren’t so easy, thats why we always listening and understanding our customer needs. With this kind of attitude we can have a better and strong fondation with our customers.

So we have 2 SLA to support what that:

  1. 8x5xNBD
  2. 24x7x4

Of course with an affordable and competitive price. Please dont be hesitate to Contact Us.

Today’s high-pressure business world compels your organisation to be more agile, improve operational efficiency, reduce cost, and meet its employees’ needs for new applications and technologies more rapidly. That’s why your approach to ICT is evolving from managing ICT equipment to managing ICT services as a utility.

But how do you bring together the people, processes and systems that deliver more business-aligned ICT?

How do you manage multiple vendors across several geographies, while still focusing on what you do best?

iLogo can help you inject more agility and flexibility into your business model by delivering IT outsourcing services that encompass the network, data centre and cloud services, end-user support and contact centre.

Our Service Centres are situated in Asia, we stay as close to your business as possible through local account management, local support and local service management.

We cover the following areas :

  1. Network and links troubleshoot
  2. Voice infrastructure
  3. Security
  4. Help to create suitable network topology for you

We hire a good and qualify human resources that have an expert capability on their field.

Consult sometimes can be bothering you and your time. So if you want a help but dont have a time to do some meeting, you can still keep in touch with us via email. Dont hesitate to consult your needs and problems with us. Our professionals will help all your problems.

Managed services are the practice of day-to-day management responsibilities and functions as a strategic method for improving operations and cutting immeasurable expenses which may occur because of hardware failure.

With managed service your IT people will be more focus to develop their IT without worries for hardware failure, advanced troubleshoot, some common bugs on applications, because we will handle it.

Our growing managed services portfolio includes several globally standardized managed services products in specific technology domains including networks, data centers, security, visual communications, unified communications and collaboration and contact centers. We can also offer custom managed services based on your specific requirements, delivered through our IT outsourcing capabilities. We are constantly building our list of standardized services through the skills, experience and methods we gain over time.

What we want to give to you is our special managed services that can help your IT needs. What your company is ? How big it is ? No matter what the problems we will help you to manage it. With the right and good manage there come a good well running company.

Our Support Services help you to increase operational efficiency, lower support costs, and improve availability risk management through network-equipment inventory management.

With these services, you can:

More effectively manage risk, plan for equipment upgrades, and comply with your corporate policies
Identify and resolve issues quickly and reduce downtime
Streamline contract management and access support resources faster